Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Hello, all!  Welcome to my new blog!  I am new to this, so bear with me.  I am a a proud Coastie wife, and stay at home mother of two crazy boys.  After six years married to the love of my life (and his career..), I am getting pretty good at this whole moving and making a home anywhere and everywhere thing.  Though his last few assignments have all been in the same general area, we have moved 6 times in 6 years!  And I'm not the type to let those moving boxes sit unpacked.  So a theme you'll probably see here will follow my projects and decorating exploits - all on a tight budget of course.  And you'll see us laugh and cry through daily exploits of parenthood - hopefully more laughing than crying!  So hopefully it will be an interesting and educational adventure - much like my real life!

Thanks for reading!


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